ISI Software Oil & Gas System


Section 6 - Set Up Procedures


A.          Installation Check List


The following is a check list of the steps required to install the Master File application of the Integrated Oil and Gas System.


The user should have input data ready to create the following records:


·         Chart of Account Records

·         Control Records

·         Company Identification Records

·         Name and Address Records

·         State and County Records

·         Field Master Records (optional)

·         Lease Master Records


Sample input forms are included in the Sample Forms Section of this documentation and they may be used as source documents.


1.        Insert Disk One of the OCL set. Type A:INSTALL . Follow the instructions on the screen.


2.        Enter the user chart of account records using the Update Chart of Accounts work station procedure. Use the Print Chart of Accounts work station procedure to list the records.


3.        Enter the control records using the Update Control Records work station procedure. Use the Print Control Records work station procedure to list the records.


4.        Enter the company identification records using the Update Company Identification Masters work station procedure. Use the Print Company Identification Masters work station procedure to list the records.


5.        Enter the name and address records using the Update Name and Address Masters work station procedure. Use the Print Name and Address Masters work station procedure to list the records.


6.        Create state and county records using the Create State and County Masters work station procedure. Use the Update State and County work station procedure to add payroll data to the state records if the Payroll Application is being installed. Use the Print State and County Master work station procedure to list the records.


7.        If the user wishes to use field names, enter the field master records using the Update Field Masters work station procedure. Use the Print Field Masters work station procedure to list the records.


8.        Enter the lease master records using the Update Lease Masters work station procedure. Use the Print Lease Masters work station procedure to list the records.


B.      Files Required


The Master File Application uses the following files:


MASTER FILE (MASTER) = The Master File contains records that are used by multiple applications. The following records are maintained by the Master File Application:


·         Chart of Accounts

·         Company Identification

·         Name and Address

·         Lease

·         State and County

·         Field

·         Control




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Cliff Buchanan - 915-550-3302